Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

dead rising 1 with a decent save game system would do me fine - that game is so good but with that awful save system it seems hopelessly broken!

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont get that either. I'm buying the ps3 version through my preference for the controller, but i dont feel i should have to pay an extra £10 for the privilege. UK gamers get screwed more than anyone on price and quite frankly its getting silly. No wonder all these numbers regarding ps3 attach rates are lagging behind the 360 if publishers are doing this kind of crap!

6083d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the whole post reads like a sick, vile joke. Why was this even posted, let alone approved? The only good that can possibly come of this is someone uses it to track down and punish this sick ba5tard.

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets face it, how would the companies in the blu-ray alliance (or whatever they call themselves) react if the biggest company in the world decided to join 'em? Pretty damned chuffed i'd say. Sony know that ms cant suddenly start developing blu-ray games, so its not like they're giving up any competitive advantage in the gaming side of things anyway.

6083d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

damn these people - there are good games coming out almost every damn week at the moment. Lost odyssey (360) and dmc4 (ps3) already on pre-order and i'm sure more to come. AGGGGHH!!

6083d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give it time, you'll have half the population of the site on ignore within a few weeks - there are that many ignorant fanboys on here its hard to find people who actually speak sense any more! :O)

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

haha - turdswallower - thats class!

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well, probably a fair proportion more than the ps3 given its been out a year longer. And what does that prove? Errr....NOTHING.

The game is 99% identical on both platforms for gods sake - why does this always have to be a "mines better than yours" game with you fand!cks?

6086d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i have a good mind to start finding any posts by AssSniper and report them all as spam just to shut his damn mouth. And i thought zhuk was annoying...

Lordcheese thinks he'll do just that.


(See, anyone can do the 3rd person thing. And yes, anyone that does it sounds like a twat)

6086d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I tried reading my way down what had been posted here, and i read more about Fscking uncharted than anything else. I own it, i've played it, and you know what? I didnt notice the graphics, because i was fighting myself to continue playing it, because i was so sick of repetitive, poorly implemented duck and cover firefights followed by on-rails, barely challenging platforming. I've not even bothered finishing it - best ps3 game so far is ratchet and clank by a mile, because its FUN. Surely tha...

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

personally i'd like a next-gen version of rogue squadron :O)

6086d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

completely agree - bubbles for you :O)

I tried it on my 360 last night, despite the fact i'll be buying it on my ps3 because i think the controller suits it, and i'm hoping the load times are better because of the hdd install. That being said i was still well impressed with it - its classic DMC, the first game is one of my fave games ever, and this is very close to the feel of it.

Its a break from a lot of the games out on the 360 so it should be welcomed with op...

6086d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so long as you can use the force to rip jar-jar-binks' limbs from his body, it'll get my vote.

6086d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

played the demo on the 360 but ordered the game on the ps3 cos i've a funny feeling the load times will be better because of the hdd install, and i've played every dmc game with a dual shock before it almost seems wrong to change now!

Awesome demo - shows how tough the full game is gonna be :O)

6086d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

doesnt make much sense if the only sku is a bigger hdd, given its upgradable anyway, and there isnt that much huge (capacity wise) content on psn - unless they are adding some other unanounced features.

I dont mind much anyway, i'm just happy mine has an emotion engine :OD

6087d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow - i opened this article up and most of the top screen of comments are on my ignore list.....

update: umm...not one to normally comment on disgrees, but how can anyone disagree with that? You looking at my ignore list? That pretty much sums up how people are abusing the agree/disagree system to be honest.

6087d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

halo 3, fine - wouldnt say theres anything in there thats groundbreaking.

But you've made the standard fanboy mistake, again. "how many 'new' and 'cool' stuff you can do in splinter cell conviction" - answer none. How many can you do in MGS4 - answer none. COS THEY AINT FREAKING OUT YET! How can you suggest that one game is more innovative than another based on a few 3rd party opinions of some demos (of MGS) and a few screenshots and early build impressions (of SC)? ...

6087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want this game to be released so i can see for myself. I'm sick of games sites doing "exclusive playtests" on half-assed demos, and fanboys coming out with ridiculous comments about this being the game of the year just because it happens to be a Metal Gear title. I almost dont care if it sucks (which i'm pretty damn sure it wont) because at least it will stop the constant rubbish being posted about this game that has almost no basis in reality whatsoever.

6087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

unlike fanboys i'm not going to claim you've never played NG, but i disagree with you on at least 2 levels...

1) You cant say NG2 is overrated - its not even finished yet!

2) If you've given NG a proper play (finished it or at least gotten a fair way through ) you'll seeit is a very different game to God of war and DMC. DMC is a pure button mashing fest (damn fun though) and God of war is similar, but more puzzle oriented. NG rewards timing and good fighting tec...

6087d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

not tried the d/l yet (my network cable is still plugged into my ps3 and i'm too lazy to buy a switch or change it over) but i've not had any problems with live as yet - although i dont doubt the fact that many problems have occured and are still lingering.

comon m$, sort it out!

6088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment